Distance Education – Online Programs
We are pleased to inform you that our company, as an approved Educational Training Center (KEK) of the Cyprus Human Resources Development Authority (HRDA), and responding to the developments and needs of our time, is able to offer you subsidized training programs from HRDA, with the method of distance education (online programs). Our programs will be offered through the ZOOM platform (https://zoom.us/), which is user friendly and does not require the installation of any program on the computer. Instructions for using the platform will be given by our Company to the participants of the programs in due course. We would like to emphasize that our face-to-face programs continue to be offered to our customers normally, as all public health conditions and requirements are met in accordance with the recommendations of the relevant government agencies, including those related to the presence of individuals in the same area and the physical distance between them. To see all the educational programs offered by our company (in person) visit our website (https://stirixis-consulting.com.cy/service/single-company-training-programs/).
For more information and clarification, you can contact us at 22486135.
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