Course Overview
High Performance Manager
This management program has been designed to enable managers to walk through the key steps in the management development process, detailing the determining factors associated with management skills. The program includes Tests, Profiling Questionnaires, Case Studies, Role Play, Syndicate Group Work, Simulations and Discussions providing managers with a clear picture of the process. This program will enhance managers skills preparing them to be a high performance manager by taking a step back to think, reflect and visualize for the future.
With completion of the course participants will be able to:
- Best align their practices with reaching maximum organization performance through the competency challenge
- Analyze personalities and apply methods for different individuals to enhance team dynamics
- Learn how to best treat people and how to deal with conflict
- Manifest any target you want as a manager by implementing a successful change management system
- Maximize your impact as a Leader by expanding your comfort zone and developing a culture attitude directed to the company
- Mastering Communication techniques both verbally and nonverbally
- Create and Negotiate client proposals based on the “refuse –to-loose technique”
- Crisis Management practices
- Apply the key features of successful planning initiatives ; closing deficiency gaps and building world-class strategies
- Become a high valued Coach
Registration includes:
- Certification of Attendance
- Training Material
Ημερομηνίες Προγράμματος
6,7,13,14,27,28 November 2018 and 11,12,15,18,19 December 2018
08:30 – 16:00
Διάρκεια Προγράμματος
77 hours
Εκπαιδευτικό Κέντρο
S.K.Stirixis Business Consulting Services Ltd – Nicosia
Gregory Neocleous
Κόστος Προγράμματος
€700+€381.71 V.A.T
Δήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος